Fascinating stories and interesting insights on the Parsha, with Rebbi Mendel and Uncle Yitzy. A podcast that's sure to keep your children spellbound
for long hours... An excellent way to implant in them good middos, and closeness to Hashem.
- Stay tuned for The Uncle Yitzi Show every Tuesday, and for The Friday Special every Thursday night.
Based on lectures given over by Rabbi Menachem Boruch Yaveh Shlita, talmid of R' Wosner and R' Avigdor Miller ztz"l.
שיעורו של הרב הגאון רבי מנחם ברוך יאווע שליט"א - בעל המתיקות
תלמיד של בעל 'שבט הלוי' הרב וואזנר והרב אביגדור מילר זצ"ל